Career Resources for Students with Disabilities Community

What are my rights as an individual with a disability?

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) makes the American society more accessible to people with disabilities and protects qualified individuals from employment discrimination. In order to qualify for ADA protection, one must be able to meet the needs of the employer’s job description including skills, education, and experience and be able to perform the job duties with or without reasonable accommodations:

Learn more about your rights protected through the ADA.

Disability Rights Laws: This website includes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other laws and rights you have such as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Fair Housing Act and more. You can also learn more about reasonable accommodations, services animals and general FAQ’s.

When and how do I disclose to a potential employer?

Disclosure is sharing information with an employer; for the purpose of receiving accommodations. When and how is a personal decision that you get to make. It is not legally required for you to disclose a disability to an employer; however, refraining from doing so will prevent you from receiving any accommodations.

Thoughts for consideration:

  • Weigh the pros and cons of disclosing a disability to an employer or potential employer
  • Consider the requirements for navigating the hiring process and completing the required work of the position and assess the necessity of accommodations
  • Think about what accommodations you would need to be successful in this position.
  • If you decide to disclose, consider the timing of your disclosure
  • Additional Resources for disclosing: 

Where can I find employers that will see the value of diverse hiring initiatives?

  • Equal Opportunity Publications helps underrepresented groups find employment and recruit diversity-friendly employers searching for diverse candidates.
  • Getting Hired is a job search site dedicated to helping inclusive employers hire professional individuals and veterans with disabilities.
  • Ability Jobs helps qualified candidates apply for jobs with employers who value hiring people with diverse abilities. They also have a resume bank in which you can submit your resume for a variety of employers to search through.
  • A global not for profit whose mission is to attract, prepare, and connect high potential university students and professionals with all types of disabilities for scholarships, internships, fellowships, and careers.
  • Disability Mentoring Day: National networking event designed to promote career development for students and job seekers with disabilities through hands-on career exploration and ongoing mentoring relationships.
  • Disability Equality Index: Explore a ranked list of disability-friendly companies determined by the American Association of People with Disabilities (AAPD).

How do I secure accommodations?

The first step of securing accommodations is disclosing your disability to employers. For more on this topic, please see section above. After you have disclosed, it is your right to acquire reasonable accommodations.

Use SOAR to determine accommodations that may be appropriate (


Prodessional Networks

  • US Business Leadership Network: UBLN strives to drive success through disability inclusion.  They host regular events and webinars aimed towards increasing inclusive hiring for individuals with disabilities.
  • National Organization on Disability: NOD is a non-profit organization that promotes the full participation and contribution of America’s 57 million people with disabilities in all aspects of life, particularly focusing on increasing employment opportunities.


Job & Internship Search

  • Career Opportunities for Students with Disabilities (COSD): Their mission is to improve the employment rate of students and recent graduates with disabilities. COSD can help to navigate your career path and search.
  • Emerging Leaders: Emerging Leaders helps pair current students with disabilities with meaningful internships and work experience before they graduate.
  • Entry Point!: Entry Point is a program of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (A.A.A.S.) offering outstanding internship opportunities for students with apparent and non-apparent disabilities in science, engineering, mathematics, computer science, and some fields of business.
  • Viscardi Center: The Viscardi Center offers many programs and services that may be helpful such as transition from school to work, job coaching and employment services for students with disabilities.
  • National Clearinghouse on Disability and Exchange: Mobility International USA (MIUSA) helps to connect persons with disabilities to resources to study, teach, conduct research or volunteer abroad and find exchange programs.  
  • We Connect Now: This helps unite people interested in rights and issues affecting people with disabilities and provides a job search information and assistance


Interviewing & Success on the Job

Laws and Rights

There are laws and guidelines in place to ensure that no person with a disability faces discrimination in their job search or career. Below is information on the laws in place to protect individuals in the workplace, as well as, some tips for interviewing and how to handle illegal questions.

  • Handling Illegal Interview Questions: Employers are not allowed to ask about a disability or whether you have one or not, but they can ask if you can perform the essential functions of the job.
  • The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC): provides more information. You should note that once you are offered a job then some questions are fair game, but the offer cannot be revoked unless you are not able to perform the essential functions of the job or you pose a substantial risk to yourself or others. 
  • Disability Rights Laws: This website includes the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other laws and rights such as, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), Fair Housing Act and more. You can also learn more about reasonable accommodations, services animals and general FAQ’s.
  • ADA Information: Here is more information on the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 which was designed to prevent discrimination.  
  • Disability Law Center: Free resource of advocates and lawyers designed to enforce and strengthen laws that protect the opportunities, choices and legal rights of people with disabilities.  Scope of support includes accessibility, assistive technology, civil rights, community living, education, employment, health care, housing, transportation, and voting rights.
  • Disclosing: There may not seem like there is a great time to disclose your disability, but this website will give you helpful tips about the when, and hows of disclosure.



Professional Networks
